Yu-Gi-Oh: Best Spellcaster Synchro Monsters
Yu-Gi-Oh! is filled with awesome spellcaster synchro monsters. Here's a look at 10 of the best!
Spellcasters are perhaps the most beloved type in the game that don't get the support people want them to. Occasionally they’ll surface as a powerful deck, but mostly they wind up only a few decent cards rather than consistently good support.
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That said, Spellcasters have gotten some powerful synchro monsters over the years. Because most of them are specific, requiring some spellcaster to make them, Konami was able to give them powerful effects that took advantage of the Spell Counter mechanic, while others take advantage of Pendulum’s penchant for using spellcasters. Which of these are the most powerful of them all?
Meant to work within Pendulum Magicians, Enlightenment Paladin can grab a spell card from the graveyard if summoned using a Pendulum “Magician” monster. What really makes the card shine though is that when it attacks over a monster it can inflict damage to the opponent equal to the destroyed monster’s attack. That’s pretty useful.
Introduced in the 5D’s anime, Loki is a solid spellcaster monster. He just requires a Nordic Alfar tuner, unfortunately. He can negate a spell or trap card during the battle phase, which is...not nearly as useful as it was during battle trap days. Also though, if he’s destroyed, during the End Phase he can banish a Nordic Alfar from the graveyard to special summon him. That part’s good enough, considering he has 3300 ATK, but he can also grab a trap from the graveyard and add it to hand. Recovering necessary traps to make the deck run? Who doesn’t want that.
A level eight Pendulum synchro monster. As a Pendulum scale, it allows one attacking Pendulum monster to be unable to be destroyed by battle or take battle damage. As a monster, when it destroys a monster by battle it cuts an opponent’s life points in half. It’s difficult to make, as it requires a Tuner and a Tuner Synchro, but it can make any Pendulum Summoned Pendulum Monster into a tuner, and it can recover a card from the graveyard when synchro summoned, so it balances out. It’s absurd 3300 ATK means it’ll almost always be able to destroy a monster by battle as well, so this is a pretty dangerous card all around.
Made up of the Windwitch cards, Winter Bell can target a Windwitch in the graveyard and inflict damage equal to that monster’s level times 200. Typically it targets Glass Bell, a level 4, dealing 800 total damage.
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Then during the battle phase, it can target a Windwitch to special summon a monster with a level equal to or lower than that monster. The Windwitch engine exists to help make spellcasters more consistent...and to deal out plenty of burn damage.
A surprise Fortune Lady card added recently, Fortune Lady every mimics every other Fortune Lady by having ATK/DEF that depends on her level, and gaining levels every turn. Every turn she gains a level, she can also banish a face-up monster the opponent controls. But getting rid of it doesn’t mean she’s gone—if it’s in the graveyard, it can return by banishing a Spellcaster monster in the grave.
Upon being synchro summoned, Wonder Magician can automatically destroy a spell or trap card on the field, which is helpful enough. And if she’s destroyed somehow, the player gets to draw a card. But everyone really knows Wonder Magician because she’s a Synchro Tuner, which means she can synchro summon during the opponent’s turn.
A simple card with an effect that just doesn’t work in a game like this. Whenever a monster is synchro summoned, draw a card. There are no restrictions to this, so during the Synchro era this card was terrifying.
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Getting rid of this card often required the opponent to give the player a card, and that’s not counting what happened when players could make multiple Hyper Librarians. Even now, some synchro strategies still include this strategy.
One of the better synchro monsters from the old days. On summon, Arcanite gains two spell counters, and for every spell counter on it, it gains 1000 ATK. By removing a spell counter from anywhere on the player’s field, Arcanite can target and destroy an opponent’s card. Arcanite is just waiting for a deck abusing spell counters to bust it wide open as an OTK target or something that can pop the opponent’s entire board.
When Ib is synchro summoned, she can add a World Legacy card from the deck to the hand. And if she’s sent to the graveyard, Ib can special summon a World Chalice monster from the deck or graveyard beside herself. Ib granted decks access to World Legacy, which were a bunch of extremely useful utility spells and traps that made certain decks like Dragon Link and others overly consistent. As a result, Ib is currently banned both in the OCG and TCG.
Probably the most annoying card on this list, Tempest Magician got banned because it's effect allowed for first turn kills with no chance to do anything. Tempest Magician upon synchro summon gains a spell counter. Once per turn, the player can discard cards to place spell counters on monsters on their field up to however many they discarded. And Tempest Magician can remove every counter on the field to deal 500 damage for every spell counter removed.
Sources: cbr.com
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