"Blue-Eyes White Dragon" is perhaps the most iconic monster in all of Yu-Gi-Oh! Its fame has allowed it to be recognized by almost anyone familiar with pop culture. It also was a main monster from the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, which is normally a death sentence when it comes to viable archetypes with the original anime.
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However, the "Blue-Eyes" archetype wound up surprising everyone, with the archetype having some sort of competitive relevance for years, be it as an engine or as a Deck itself. "Blue-Eyes" even won Worlds (the largest Yu-Gi-Oh! event) in 2016. Many "Blue-Eyes" cards are great, and these are the best the game has to offer.
10. Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Despite being a vanilla monster with no effects, "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" still is arguably the best vanilla monster in the entire game. "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" is useful in "Blue-Eyes" Decks, and also outside of it thanks to its level of 8. This allows it to be used with "Trade-In" for extra draws while being searchable with many cards. Even though it's a vanilla monster, it's still a threat when it hits the field (which it's easy to cheat out in a "Blue-Eyes" Deck) thanks to its high attack, which is still the highest attack out of any vanilla monster in the game.
9. The White Stone Of Legend

"The White Stone Of Legend" was one of the first Tuner Monsters for the "Blue-Eyes" archetype, allowing it to go into Level 9 Synchro Monsters incredibly easily. It also allows for "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" to get into your hand easily, as it can add it if it goes to the Graveyard by any means. One of these ways is with "Cards Of Consonance" which can discard "The White Stone Of Legend" to draw 2 cards while adding "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" to maintain tempo and accumulate fantastic card advantage. Its great discard fodder and a great Tuner.
8. Dragon Spirit Of White

"Dragon Spirit Of White" has a unique effect where it's treated as a Normal Monster while in the Hand or Graveyard, allowing it to be used with cards like "Cosmo Brain." When it's on the field, it can also tag out by Tributing itself in order to summon a "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your Hand so long as your opponent controls a monster.
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"Dragon Spirit Of White" can also banish a Spell or Trap card your opponent controls when its summoned, making a great interruption tool against Decks that play a lot of problem Spell or Trap cards.
7. Maiden With Eyes Of Blue

While perhaps a little past its prime, "Maiden With Eyes Of Blue" can still prove to be a problem to get rid of without allowing a "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" to come out for free. "Maiden With Eyes Of Blue's" effect can even be triggered with various "Blue-Eyes" cards yourself to get "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" on the field that can immediately be used for a Level 9 Synchro Summon with "Maiden With Eyes Of Blue" and "Blue-Eyes White Dragon." The only way to get rid of it without triggering "Maiden With Eyes Of Blue's" effect is to remove it by non-Targeting means, as it even triggers if Targeting for an attack.
6. Master With Eyes Of Blue

"Master With Eyes Of Blue" has a whole lot it can do, which is what makes it so good. "Master With Eyes Of Blue" can recycle your "Blue-Eyes" Tuners (or any Level 1 Light Tuner such as "Effect Veiler") on its Normal Summon. It can also shuffle itself back into the Deck from the Graveyard to Target and send an Effect Monster you control to the Graveyard to Special Summon any "Blue-Eyes" Monster except the sent Monster. This can recycle any "Blue-Eyes" card while triggering the effects of the Monster sent to the Grave such as "Maiden With Eyes Of Blue."
5. Sage With Eyes Of Blue

"Sage With Eyes Of Blue" is another Tuner with tons of versatility. On its Normal Summon it can search out any Level 1 Light Tuner in the game, be it a "Blue-Eyes" one or a Hand Trap like "Effect Veiler." It can also Special Summon any "Blue-Eyes" Monster from your Deck by discarding "Sage With Eyes Of Blue" and Targetting and sending an Effect Monster in your control to the Grave (which can trigger its effects while fetching a free replacement body).
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The ability to Special Summon from the Deck is one of the best in the game, so it only makes sense the "Sage With Eyes Of Blue" is one of the best "Blue-Eyes" cards.
4. The White Stone Of Ancients

The best "Blue-Eyes" Tuner, "The White Stone Of Ancients" seems relatively innocent at first. If it stays in the Graveyard the turn its sent there, you are able to Special Summon any "Blue-Eyes" Monster from the Deck. You can also banish "The White Stone Of Ancients" from the Graveyard to add any "Blue-Eyes" card from the Graveyard to your Hand. This means you can recycle Monsters that are used for Synchro Summons or detached as Xyz Material right back into your Hand in order to re-use them right away. Having a "Blue-Eyes" card in your Hand is something a "Blue-Eyes" Deck always wants to have, making "The White Stone Of Ancients" so good.
3. Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon

"Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon" was one of the reasons "Blue-Eyes" was able to take Worlds back in 2016. Many cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! utilize Graveyard effects, of which "Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon" can negate one of those effects for no cost once per turn. "Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon" can also Tribute itself to Special Summon any Light Dragon Type Synchro Monster in Defense Position, though it is destroyed at the end of the turn. There is so much use for "Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon," and since it's Level 9 it's incredibly easy for "Blue-Eyes" Decks to make.
2. Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon

"Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon" is one of the best Ritual Monsters in the game, thanks to its Level, ability, and how easy it is to summon. Since its Level 8, it can be used with "Trade-In" like "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and its Attack lets it get to the Hand with "Melody Of Awakening Dragon." Since its a Ritual Monster, it has tons of support to get it onto the field thanks to the "Impcantation" Monsters.
Once "Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon" comes into play, it can run over almost every Monster in the game, while being immune to Targetting and Destruction. It also does Double Piercing Damage to Defense Positions Monsters, and with its 4000 Attack that means that it can take out the opponent in just one hit.
1. Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon

"Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon" is by far the best "Blue-Eyes" card in the entire game and the card that made the Deck viable. It's incredibly easy to Summon, only requiring a "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" to be revealed in your Hand. On the field, it can Target and Destroy a Monster at the cost of not being able to Attack with it. However, that downside can be easily avoided, as it can simply be used for a Synchro or Xyz Summon and then later recycled back to the Hand with "The White Stone Of Ancients." Its incredibly powerful, and the best "Blue-Eyes" card.
Source: www.thegamer.com
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